Akio: The Crane & Mountain Goat Clan
"There was a time where this land used to be a welcoming place - our sacred land, a Shintai open to all those who needed guidance from the Kami. And oh, the music of nature! It was as if Wind was ready to give counsel while it plays with your hair, and Waves draw you close, revealing what you need to see with the reflections of Its waters - and even as the night breaks out of Sun's waning light, It's silence was that of tranquility and of restoration.
But we were too greedy and we forsook the path that you have generously given to us, to journey alongside Nature and to hear your words firsthand and rather listen to the deceiver, Akio. We plead to you now Kami - if you still hear - to send away our great and terrible leader, for now we know that wisdom can only come from Kami's tongue than of the musings of a mortal man.”
Artist’s Notes
Akio ("Bright Man"/ "Hero" in Japanese) is the leader of the Shinto Skysurfers. They are also known as The Crane & Mountain Goat Clan. They’re all about religious and philosophical expansion when they conquer sky territories.
This image in particular is my best-selling print. Maybe it’s the symmetry?
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